Six-channel radio control equipment for RUM-1 models.

Everything else not included in the sectionsModel control equipmentThe six-channel radio control equipment for the RUM-1 models was developed at the Central Model Aircraft Laboratory of the USSR DOSAAF and was manufactured by industry from 1956 to 1959. The RUM-1 set of equipment is designed for radio control of aircraft, ship, automobile and other devices. The set of equipment includes a three-lamp transmitter with an antenna and power supplies, a remote control panel that allows the operator to give a particular command, a three-lamp receiver with one resonant and six polarized relays, actuators (three sets). The equipment allows you to execute 6 consecutive commands in any order. The operating range of the equipment for ground and surface models is up to 500 m, for those flying up to 1500 m. The receiver provides the possibility of frequency tuning from 27.8 to 29.7 MHz. Power is supplied from batteries or through an AC power supply. In total, up to 1959, 20,000 RUM-1 devices were produced.