Temp-4 black-and-white television receiver.

Black and white televisionsDomesticThe Temp-4 black-and-white television receiver has been produced by the Moscow Radio Plant since 1959. The Temp-4 TV is assembled according to the design of the Temp-3 serial model of the latest modernization (1959) and, in addition to a larger picture tube of type 53LK2B and the corresponding changes in the chassis design and the dimensions of the case, is no different from it. The TV was developed at the end of 1957. In 1958, 5 copies were made and in the same year the Temp-4 TV was shown at the Expo-58 world exhibition in Brussels. In 1959, the TV was put on the assembly line, but the unsatisfactory quality of 53LK2B kinescopes only mastered in production forced the model to be removed from the assembly line in mid-1960.