Car radio `` Alfaton-auto-2 ''.

Car radio and electrical equipment.Car radio and electrical equipmentThe car radio "Alfaton-auto-2" has been produced by the Kirov Instrument-Making Plant since 1990. The receiver can receive programs of broadcasting stations in the ranges: HF - 9.5 ... 9.8 MHz and VHF-FM 65.8..74.0 MHz. The set includes a receiver, an external speaker and a cassette installed in the car. The cassette is designed for quick connection of the receiver to the vehicle antenna, on-board power supply and external speaker system. The receiver can work in 2 modes: portable and automobile. In portable mode, reception is performed on the built-in telescopic antenna, and for listening, a dynamic head mounted in the body is used. The receiver is powered in this mode from 4 elements A-316. For operation in automotive mode, the receiver is inserted into a cassette. In this mode, reception is performed on a car antenna and a powerful ultrasonic frequency amplifier mounted in the cassette itself is used to amplify the signal. An external speaker is used to listen to radio stations. There is an AFC in the VHF range. Sensitivity in the range of VHF 10, KB 60 μV. Rated power in portable mode 0.05, automotive 1 W. Dimensions of RP 100x175x41 mm. Weight 370 gr.