Network tube radio receiver `` Ural ''.

Tube radios.DomesticSince 1945, the "Ural" network tube radio has been produced by the Leningrad Artel "Radist". "Ural" is a six-lamp superheterodyne powered from an alternating current network. Power consumption 80 watts. The receiver has an optical tuning indicator and an adapter input for playing a gramophone from an external EPU. There are three ranges: 2000 ... 714 m (150..420 kHz), 566 ... 200 m (530..1500 kHz), and 75 ... 25 m (4000 ... 12000 kHz). Output undistorted power 2 W. There are four control knobs on the front wall of the radio receiver: the upper right knob is the volume control and the mains switch, the lower right knob is the tuning knob, the upper left is the tone control, the lower left is the range switch. By switching the ranges, the color of the scale illumination changes and the graduation is illuminated for a given position of the range switch. Rotating the dial increases the speed of the pointer on the scale. Changing the tuning speed is done to speed up the passage of LW and SV If you miss the desired station on HF or cannot find a station at a high speed of movement of the arrow, it is enough to change the direction of rotation of the vernier to decrease the speed. The rear side of the model contains the terminals for the antenna, grounding, and adapter. The adapter sockets are automatic: when the adapter plug is turned on, the receiving part is turned off. When playing records, the volume and timbre are controlled by the same knobs as when receiving. After finishing playing records, you must remove the adapter plug from the receiver sockets, otherwise the receiving part will remain disconnected. The radio was produced in a limited edition.