Stereophonic complex "Mayak-Super".

Combined apparatus.The top-class "Mayak-Super" stereophonic complex was developed and manufactured in 1978 by the design bureau of the Kiev Mayak plant. The stereo complex is an experimental development. All its blocks correspond to the equipment of the higher coass for 1978. Only a few copies were made, according to unverified data, three. Reel-to-reel tape recorder with reverse included in the complex, created on the basis of the model "Mayak-001-stereo". The set-top box has two noise reduction systems, dynamic and compander. Remote control of all operation modes of the set-top box is ultrasonic. Specifications are the same as the base model. Equalizer of the complex is graphic, 12-band, with an input switch and a bypass button. The preamplifier of the complex turns on after the equalizer, has level controls for each channel and general timbre for LF and HF in case the equalizer is turned off, as well as noise reduction systems that can be used when amplifying AF signals from external sources. The power amplifier has level and stereo balance controls, an input selector, a reverb control, equalization, and some other controls. There is no other information on the UK.