Electric musical instrument "Vilnius-3".

Electronic musical instrumentsProfessionalThe electric musical instrument "Vilnius-3" has been produced presumably since 1981. It is a multi-voice single-channel EMP with an external amplifying-acoustic device. The volume of the keyboard is 5 octaves (2 octaves belong to the accompanying part). The character of the sound is organ and percussion with an adjustable attack duration. The number of registers with smooth adjustment in the EMP for the melodic part 6, for the accompanying 3; registers with fixed organ sound 6, percussion 4. The instrument has a device for amplitude, frequency and timbre vibrato. Vibrato frequency infinitely adjustable for 3 higher octaves; repetition with smooth regulation in the range of 2 ... 15 Hz. EMP "Vilnius-3" also provides such effects as brush imitations, reverberation, and sustain.