Electric record player "EGK-1".

Electric players and tube electrophonesDomesticThe electric player "EGK-1" was developed in 1933 by the Central Radio Laboratory of VESO and was produced by the consumer goods workshop of the plant named after V.I. Kazitsky. Here is the description of the model in the magazine Radiofront № 4 for 1934: The model is the first electrogramophone released by our industry. The gramophone is a combined type, since using it, it is possible to carry out both acoustic (membrane and pуnop) and electrical (adapter, amplifier and gramophone) reproduction of gramophone records. The gramophone does not have an amplifier or a loudspeaker and must be connected (of course, if you want electrical reproduction) to any low frequency amplifier or receiver with an appropriate adapter input. The disk rotates a small asynchronous motor with a squirrel-cage armature. The rotation from the motor to the spindle of the disc for the records is transmitted by means of a rubber pulley. The number of revolutions of the disk is regulated by means of a cone that changes the transmission ratio of the motor and spindle pulleys. The gramophone is intended to be connected to an AC mains only.