Shortwave converters (converters) '' KUB-1 '' and '' KUB-10 ''.

Receiving and transmitting radio equipment.Short-wave converters (converters) "KUB-1" and "KUB-10" from the middle of 1930 and from the beginning of 1931, respectively, produced the Leningrad hardware plant named after "Kazitsky". Converters "KUB-1" and "KUB-10" are designed to convert the short-wave range from 14 to 200 meters into the long wave range, using a day-wave receiver as an intermediate frequency amplifier with 1 or 2 frequency conversions, depending on which receiver is used, direct amplification or superheterodyne ... Converter "KUB-1" is built according to a complex scheme, and converter "KUB-10" according to a simpler one. The latter is intended for individual radio amateurs. Both converters are assembled in the "KUB-2" radio receiver housing.