Radiola network lamp `` Izhevsk ''.

Network tube radiosDomesticRadiola network lamp "Izhevsk" since 1961 was produced at the Izhevsk radio plant. The first radios, developed back in 1959, were produced in a plastic case with parameters slightly better than subsequent radios, which, due to problems with casting, began to be produced in a wooden case. Radiola "Izhevsk" is a 5-tube receiver with a three-speed EPU. Wave ranges: DV 150 ... 415 kHz. CB 520 ... 1600 kHz. VHF 64.5 ... 73 MHz. IF FM path 8.4 MHz, AM - 465 kHz. The sensitivity on VHF is 30, in the rest 200 µV. Selectivity in the VHF range - 24 ... 28 dB in the rest is not worse than 26 dB. The frequency band when receiving in VHF and playing records is 150 ... 5000 Hz, in DV, SV - 150 ... 3500 Hz. Rated output power 0.5 W. Power consumption when receiving 50 W, when operating the EPU 65 W. Rectifier AVS-80-260. There are two loudspeakers, type 1GD-5. Dimensions of the radio 315x470x350 mm, weight 15.5 kg. Price 64 rubles 40 kopecks.