Stationary transistor radio "Ladoga".

Radiols and receivers p / p stationary.DomesticStationary stereophonic transistor radio of the first class "Ladoga" has been prepared for production since 1966 by the Leningrad plant named after Kozitsky. The radiola is designed to receive experimental stereo radio broadcasting and play stereo phonograph records. The radio receiver of the radio makes it possible to receive radio stations in all standard bands, including VHF. The sensitivity of the radio receiver in the AM bands is 100 µV, VHF-FM is about 5 µV. Adjacent channel selectivity is about 50 dB. Rated output power 2x1 W. The band of reproducible sound frequencies when receiving on VHF and the operation of the EPU is from 80 to 12000 Hz. The power consumed from the network when receiving 20 W, when operating the EPU - 25 W.