TV receiver of black-and-white image `` VRK ''.

Black and white televisionsDomesticThe TV receiver of the black-and-white image "VRK" from the 1st quarter of 1937 was produced by the experimental workshops of VNIIT (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Television). The first domestic on-air electronic TV "VRK" was developed and released in the amount of 20 copies on the instructions of the All-Union Radio Committee. A television set with 24 radio tubes and is designed to receive the experimental Leningrad television center with the decomposition of the image into 240 lines, where part of the VRK televisions were used as control ones when setting up, testing and operating the OLTC, which began regular broadcasts from September 1, 1938 (2 times in week). A demonstration of the principles of high-quality television was organized, the first of which was held in September 1937 at the Leningrad House of Technology for specialists and the press. Before the demonstration, lectures were given on the principles of electronic television, followed by a film demonstration. Other televisions were installed in the palaces of culture, the palace of pioneers, clubs of factories and factories of Leningrad for collective viewing.